If the Shoe Fits Framed For Sale - Price coming soon 24 x 36 inches unframed size This is a painting of my friend Nadine. She has a very extensive shoe collection. Nadine is actually wearing a black dress in my painting.
Standing Female Nude Figure Study
admin2025-01-30T18:07:06-05:00Standing Female Nude Figure Study Framed For Sale - Price coming soon 15.5 x 31 inches unframed size This oil painting is done using a warm vs cool colour scheme. The background and shadows are warm (burnt umber) whereas the lights and half tones are cool (ivory black + titanium white).
Seated Female Nude Figure Study
admin2025-01-30T18:08:36-05:00Seated Female Nude Figure Study Framed For Sale - Price coming soon 22 x 32 inches unframed size This is a monochromatic study of a seated female model in oil paint.
Female Nude Figure Study
admin2025-01-30T18:11:23-05:00Female Nude Figure Study Framed For Sale - Price coming soon 19 x 26 inches unframed size This study was completed in charcoal. The chair acts as a counterpoint to the model.
Male Nude Figure Study
admin2025-01-30T18:09:11-05:00Male Nude Figure Study Framed For Sale - Price coming soon 15.5 x 31 inches unframed size The underlying anatomy of the model was very important for the artists of the Renaissance.
Head and Torso
admin2025-01-30T18:14:49-05:00Head and Torso Framed For Sale - $1600.00 19.5 x 27.5 inches unframed size Francesco was seated for this study.
Head and Torso Study
admin2025-01-30T18:12:13-05:00Head and Torso Study Framed $1200.00 20 x 25 inches unframed size Francesco was the model for this study.
Self Portrait – At Age 55
admin2018-11-20T16:26:38-05:00Self Portrait - At Age 55 Framed original oil painting - Not For Sale 19 x 23 inches framed This is a recent self-portrait in oil paint done in the Old Masters Style. It was completed in the atelier of Paul Richard James of Hamilton, Ontario.
Nude Female Figure Studies in Oil
admin2018-09-25T22:10:57-04:00Nude Female Figure Studies in Oil Oil Paint 18 x 24 inches These are 2 hour oil studies of a female model. I completed these while attending the Ontario College of Art.
Sleeping Nude
admin2018-07-23T21:00:07-04:00Sleeping Nude Framed original oil painting $1800.00 36 x 24 inches framed This was an oil painting I did when I was 19 years of age while attending the Ontario College of Art. I was honoured to be taught the complexities of painting and drawing the human figure by the likes of John Newman, Tom Lapierre and Hugh